Saint Mark AME Church Presents “Building Faith in Youth” Awards Posted by Deb Hazlewood November 20, 2018 On Sunday, September 30, 2018, Saint Mark African Methodist Episcopal Church, Orlando, FL, presented its first ever "Building Faith in Youth" Awards during the culmination worship service of its month long Christian Education activities. The distinguished honorees for this distinguished award were Mrs. Kimberly “Kim” Hill and Mr. Eric “EB” Butler. Their service to the youth of Saint Mark Church is paralleled to none. Mrs. Hill and Mr. Butler begun utilizing the P.R.A.Y. program some three years ago. Over the years, they have utilized the principles of the God & Me and God & Family series in ways which have enhanced intergenerational interaction at Saint Mark. They continue to carry out their ministry to Saint Mark’s youth with humility and renewed resolve. Submitted by The Rev. Dr. Missiouri L. McPhee For more information, click Building Faith in Youth Award or Association of African Methodist Episcopal Scouts Comments(0)