Members of Pack 808 of Puerto Rico Earn PRAY Awards Posted by Jennifer Robinson July 21, 2021 Los miembros de la Manada 808 de los Boys Scouts en Puerto Rico estamos muy felices y orgullosos, luego de que varios de nuestros chicos y chicas completaran el emblema protestante y el emblema católico del programa PRAY. Muy entusiasmados hicimos nuestros pedido de libros, completamos los requisitos bajo la supervisión de los consejeros y planeamos las respectivas ceremonias en cada iglesia para la entrega de los reconocimientos. Los chicos y chicas dieron testimonio de cómo el programa los ayudó a conocer y acercarse mas a Dios. Estamos seguros de que las semillas sembradas en sus corazones darán frutos eternos. Translation: The members of The Boys Scouts Pack 808 in Puerto Rico are very happy and proud, after several of our boys and girls completed the Protestant emblem and catholic emblem of the PRAY program. We were very enthusiastic about ordering books, completing the requirements under the supervision of the counselors and planning the respective ceremonies in each church for the delivery of the awards. The boys and girls testified to how the program helped them get to know and get closer to God. We are sure that the seeds sown in their hearts will bear eternal fruit. Comments(0)
Long-time Friends Earn Four Star Recognition Posted by Jennifer Robinson July 21, 2021 Michael Minenna and Ryan Zoeller are both 10th grade Scouts in Rockaway Township, New Jersey. Their families have known one another for generations and they have worked together on Scouting activities since their Cub Scouting days. The boys live on opposite sides of the large township, so they have attended different schools and have come up through different Scouting units, but one thing that has consistently brought them together has been the P.R.A.Y. program for protestant youth. Having completed the entire sequence of awards since their early elementary days, the two boys have recently completed the requirements for the prestigious and nationally recognized Four Star award. Michael and Ryan have been good friends all along, but the program definitely allowed them to grow in their understanding of their faith and their relationship with God, their families, and one another. Comments(0)
First Lutheran Church of Bowie MD Recognizes Accomplishment of RP3 courses Posted by Deb Hazlewood July 14, 2021 On Sunday, July 4, a Tiger, Webelos, and Boy Scout were recognized by First Lutheran Church of Bowie, MD for completing the Good Book, Trees, Making Room, and Tents and Shelters sessions of RP3. Congratulations! Comments(0)