Posts From August, 2019

Virginia Conference Promotes P.R.A.Y. Awards

United Methodist Church

The Roanoke District of the United Methodist Virginia Conference is working to promote faith journey in the church through the P.R.A.Y. Program. Barbara Duerk and Bill Chaffin, Virginia Scouting Ministry Coordinator, are pictured at their exhibit at the Virginia United Methodist Conference. Their Scouting Ministry is targeting the Boy Scouts of America, Girl Scouts of the U.S.A., and Big Brothers Big Sisters. In addition to exhibits, they also provide district trainings and work directly with congregations and youth agency offices. The goal in the Roanoke District is to increase usage of the P.R.A.Y recognitions by 100% this year 2019 -2020. P.R.A.Y. is working with the Roanoke District to provide reports to help identify congregations and clergy who may be prospects for growing the program. P.R.A.Y. is thankful for the many volunteers who faithfully promote religious growth opportunities to children and families!

Note: P.R.A.Y. is eager to support our partner organizations. Please contact P.R.A.Y. to discuss how recipient reports may facilitate your efforts to promote the P.R.A.Y. awards.