Posts From September, 2018

Camdyn Earns God and Family Award


Camdyn D.

Goshen, OH

Prince of Peace Lutheran Church


“We had a lot of fun completing this program together, and my daughter really embraced the Bible stories and had fun writing scripts and having the family act them out.”

Camdyn’s goal is to earn all four P.R.A.Y. awards!


Mark Shares God and Church Experience


Mark S.

Clarksville, IN

New Beginnings Church

"I have learned a lot about Jesus's miracles and how he healed people. I also learned how the disciples spread His words and teachings. My favorite part of the program was to help my Pastor's ministry project of shopping for food with my friends for people in need and then delivering the food to their home. This was my favorite part because I was able to pick out the food and help make sure we got the best value for the food we purchased. I also enjoyed helping my Pastor prepare for a worship service preparing the communion and I also said a prayer during the service. The following week, I helped with the Children's Church."

The Clark Family Makes Pizza!

“We did the God and Family program together along with our Assistant pastor and we loved this 6 week journey. The lessons not only helped our son learn more about God, but brought us closer together as a family. My son enjoyed the connection between the pizza and the family, it helped him understand the importance of family and faith. Thanks again!” - the Clark family, Ohio



Cub Scouts Earn RP3 Patches

Cub Scouts (and their parents) from Pack 35 in Kennedale, TX have been earning the RP3 patches. Here’s what one parent had to say about the RP3 Series:

“This is such a great program. It has brought my son and I closer as we go through each story and then seek counsel from our pastor for further details or to explain what we do not understand. It has also made my son stronger in his faith. Noah received his God and Me pin through Cub Scouts and the Bible Basics RP3 program has kept him in the Bible more on a weekly basis. He decided to give his life to Christ after completing the God and Me classes … and keeps asking me to find more stories like the Bible Basics stories.”