Cub Scouts Earn RP3 Patches

Cub Scouts (and their parents) from Pack 35 in Kennedale, TX have been earning the RP3 patches. Here’s what one parent had to say about the RP3 Series:

“This is such a great program. It has brought my son and I closer as we go through each story and then seek counsel from our pastor for further details or to explain what we do not understand. It has also made my son stronger in his faith. Noah received his God and Me pin through Cub Scouts and the Bible Basics RP3 program has kept him in the Bible more on a weekly basis. He decided to give his life to Christ after completing the God and Me classes … and keeps asking me to find more stories like the Bible Basics stories.”

Pastor Shares His God and Family Experience

Pastor Steve was asked to lead a God and Family class for 5 scouts (only one was connected to his church). Little did he know that it would be an opportunity for evangelism! The other participants were brand new to the Bible and knew little about God but were eager to learn and asked such questions as “How do we know there is a God?” During the sessions, a father and older brother sat in the back of the classroom. By the third week they were sitting closer and following along in the Bible, and after class the father approached Pastor Steve and engaged in a discussion of God and science. According to Pastor Steve, “Two brothers gave their heart to the Lord. The father is reading Lee Strobel’s book, The Case for Creation. We had the graduation this last Sunday and the father was in church to hear the gospel message of Jesus Christ!”

God and Family is more than award. Just ask Pastor Steve!

Scouts Receive God and Life Awards During Alaska Adventure

Parents Speak Words of Affirmation to their Sons

Troop 200 chartered to Nixa Christian Church participated in the God and Life program and had the privilege of receiving their awards while in Alaska for a High Adventure experience. Jason Coorts, Assistant Scoutmaster, served as their God and Life counselor and planned a formal ceremony for the presentation of the awards in Alaska. Each Scout received his award individually and then had time of affirmation from his father (and in many cases a letter from their mother, too).  The few dads that couldn’t make the trip sent letters to be read. Although there weren’t any pictures from the award ceremony, Coorts explained, “We hope it was pretty powerful.” Coorts did share the picture above. What a great picture – full of high adventure and affirmation of faith! May these young men continue to pursue their Duty to God through all of life’s journeys.

Maine Four Star Recipients

On June 10, 2018, three young men from BS Troop 50 of Lincoln, Maine were honored to become 4 Star Recipients following in the footsteps of their sisters and cousin (the girls earned their awards in 2013 as members of GS Troop 632 and BSA Venture Crew 5064).   There have only been 6 recipients from Maine since 2005, and 5 have come from First United Methodist Church.  The families have been friends since preschool. This picture captures a special moment in the lives of the church and these families.  May the shared journey of earning the P.R.A.Y. Four Star Award launch these young people into a lifetime of Christian discipleship!

AHG Summer Camp Uses “Love God” Puzzle Patches

More than 200 American Heritage Girls attended Summer Camp 2018 at Camp Tulakogee in Oklahoma. Girls came from troops in Oklahoma, Texas, Louisiana, Missouri and Kansas. This summer was the fourth year in a row that the Love God program was presented to all the girls at the AHG Summer camp sponsored by the OK0412 Camp Committee. The Love God puzzle patch challenges girls to earn their religious emblem. Over 200 girls earned their first, second or third patch at camp this year, and more than 20 girls earned their 4th patch, meaning they had been at camp four years in a row.

The Love God patch requires girls to memorize Mark 12:29-31. Here are some AHG girls practicing the hand motions to help them memorize “Love the Lord with all your …. MIND…” Reciting Bible verses was mentioned as a way to stay positive in a wilderness survival situation for the Survival, Search and Rescue badge taught at that camp.

Patches were provided by the Asbury United Methodist Women in Tulsa, Oklahoma, who hold a huge garage sale each year to fund projects to help Christian women.

Son Surpasses Dad with Four Star Award

As a Wolf Cub Scout working on God and Me in 2010, Stephen set a personal goal to earn the P.R.A.Y. Four Star Award. Why? Because his Dad had only earned three (God and Me didn’t exist at the time his Dad was in Scouts). Eight years later, on May 31, 2018, Stephen achieved his goal and was recognized as a Four Star Recipient. According to Stephen, “The awards are not that hard if you apply yourself. The time is well spent as you grow closer to God while working through the program.” Congratulations to father and son for their strong tradition of Duty to God!

Girl Scouts Make Pizza!

St. Luke's Lutheran Church

Girl Scouts from 3 different troops - all members of St. Luke's Lutheran Church in Bay Shore, NY - worked together with their P.R.A.Y counselor and their families on the God and Family program. It was a wonderful bonding for all parties, and it opened up better communication channels for these young ladies and their families. They enjoyed the closeness and understanding of Family and God's importance in their lives. It was a great experience for everyone!


7 Four-Star Awards Presented

Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church

On May 6, 2018, Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church (ELCA) in Apple Valley, Minnesota presented the Four-Star Award to 7 Scouts who completed all four of the P.R.A.Y. Protestant religious emblems.  They were among 35 total Scouts who received religious emblems at this year’s religious emblems award ceremony.

Since the church started offering religious emblems classes in 2002, a total of 490 boys and girls have earned a total of 700 religious emblems.  Of those 490 Scouts, 27 have earned the Four-Star Award.  This year’s group of 7 Four Stars is by far the largest in the history of Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran church.


Favorite God and Life Project
















“Use Me, Lord” is a song written by 14-year-old Matteo M. as part of his God and Life requirements. This was his favorite project: he wrote the lyrics and chose the basic chord progressions. Although Matteo is “non-verbal autistic,” he has truly found his voice! Matteo spells out his thoughts on a letter board, and it is in this way that he expresses his deep opinions, original thoughts, and seeks to “be a voice for the silent ones.” It took 85 pages for Matteo to answer all the questions and discussion items for God and Life. According to his mother, “This program has been a wonderful experience for our entire family … It’s been wonderful to actually ‘make the time’ in our lives to sit around and discuss deep things like the questions that were presented in this project. We are a closer family because of it ... closer to each other and to God, each in our own way.” Congratulations, Matteo on earning your God and Life award. May each of us join you in saying, “USE ME, LORD.”

Visit to learn more about Matteo’s incredible journey and his mission to speak out about autism.