Daniel M. Receives God and Church Award

Daniel M.

God and Church

Oakmont Presbyterian Church

Daniel M. received his God and Church award from Pastor Paul Sherwood of Oakmont Presbyterian Church. This is the third P.R.A.Y. award that he has earned. Daniel was challenged to serve God through service to others, and he assisted at The Manna Missions in Alabaster, Alabama where he helped by loading bags of food in the cars of those in need. Daniel is an Eagle Scout in Troop 93, and a Brotherhood member of the Coosa Lodge, Order of the Arrow where he currently serves as Vice Chief of Fellowship. 

Congratulations, Daniel, on your accomplishment!

Pack 2105

First Ever Religious Emblems Ceremony

Pack 2105 chartered by Concord Methodist Church of Paducah, KY held their FIRST EVER Religious Emblem Ceremony in May 2017. Four Webelos Scouts -  Justus E, Ray R, Kayven N, and Aaron B - received their God and Family religious awards after much hard work in den meetings, at home with their families, and meeting with their ministers.

“It was amazing to see these boys work diligently on their Spiritual Maturity and Faith and to be able to serve them as counselor and to share in moments of insights, growth and the awards received in recognition.”

- Brent Easton, Webelos Den Leader, Pack and Four-River District Chaplain

Girl Scouts Receive Awards

God and Me & God and Family
First United Methodist Church
Conover, NC

13 Girl Scouts from Conover First United Methodist Church participated in the God and Me and God and Family programs this spring. In God and Me, girls made GAMEBoxes and learned about “Best Friends with Jesus,” and in God and Family, girls made family pizzas and learned about “Growing in God’s Love.” Pictured are Ava Grace, Ivy, Laci, Rachel and Regan along with Rev. Charmaigne Van Rooyen, associate pastor who taught the classes. The Girl Scout Troop is part of a larger Scouting ministry of Conover First UMC, and indeed part of their outreach ministry.

Thanks to Girl Scout leader Debbie Moritz for providing the photo.

God and Family Project Lasts 8 Years

Justin’s Easter Basket Drive

When Justin was earning his God and Family award 8 years ago, his pastor challenged him to find a project that would celebrate Easter. Justin responded with an Easter basket drive that he has called “Easter Goodies from Youth to Youth.” This “one time” God and Family project turned into an annual service project that has lasted 8 years. This year Justin distributed 44 baskets, his biggest year ever. Also this year, Justin completed the God and Life award and received his Four Star recognition for completing all four programs in the P.R.A.Y. series. His award was presented by P.R.A.Y. CEO Jason Noland in March 2017.

Pictured with Justin is Fr. Charles Uhlik (who served as Justin’s God and Life counselor)

Coleman P.

Local Scout Receives High Recognition
Daniel Boone Sophomore Coleman P. received the “Programs of Religious Activities with Youth” (PRAY) Four Star Award on April 3, 2017.

The P.R.A.Y. Four Star award is a distinguished program requiring extensive application in non-denominational faith learning and serving in the community. With this honor, Coleman joined the ranks of less than 1% of program participants who achieve the full Four Star level recognition, and became the first in Boy Scouts of America Troop 240 (Gray, TN) to have achieved this recognition. This journey began in his Cub Scout years in the God & Me program (for grades 1-3) and culminated in completion of the God & Life program last fall.
Coleman is the son of Chris and Jennifer P. of Gray TN and a Life Scout in Boy Scout Troop 240 of Gray TN.  Pictured with Coleman and his parents is his PRAY Religious Advisor and Leader for Troop 240 Allan Bridges.

Protestant Committee Awards Dinner

Eleven scouts attended the Protestant Committee on Scouting's Annual Awards Dinner on March 26, 2017. The scouts are from the Greater Niagara Frontier Council and the Girl Scouts of Western New York Council.

1st Row: Robert E., Ben W., Shawn W., Kamden A., Cole A.

2nd Row: Tim H., Daulton M., Russell E., Nicholas C., Logan T., Sandy B. 

Five out of eleven scouts had received awards previously. Congratulations to the God and Me, God and Family and God and Life recipients!

First United Methodist Church

Lawton, OK

God and Me, God and Family, God and Church
Adult God and Service Award

“During Scout Sunday at First United Methodist (Lawton, OK), over 52 scouts participated in the service, 27 youth received their religious award, and one adult received the God and Service religious recognition. Girl Scouts, Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts and Venturers participated in the Flag Ceremony, Offertory (Bell Choir), Invitation, Baptism, Scripture Reading, Special Music, Ushering, Sermon, and Offering.  Scouts have been active in First UMC since 1934.” - Submitted by Paul Greene

What a celebration! It’s obvious that Scout Sunday is not just a token day to showcase a few Scouts, but truly a celebration of a comprehensive Scouting ministry that is an integral part of the church’s ministry. The baptism is a case in point. According to Paul, “Jayme had just completed her God & Me.  Our church had a baptism service on 1 Jan 2017, and she started asking her family questions.  Yes, she wanted to be baptized.  So after meeting with the Pastor, it was determined a good time to do it was Scout Sunday, since she and her whole family are involved in scouts. The pastor, Rev Dr. Randy Scraper, is also an Eagle Scout, so he was honored to fulfill her request to be baptized on Scout Sunday.”

Thank you, Lawton First United Methodist Church, for your Scouting ministry!

P.R.A.Y. Board Member Meets P.R.A.Y. Four Star Recipient

Former Board President John Fenoglio poses with Shannon M., a proud Four Star recipient. Shannon earned her P.R.A.Y. awards while a Girl Scout and is now a member of Crew 100 in Mt. Diablo Silverado Council. P.R.A.Y. Board members work hard to support the P.R.A.Y. ministry. How exciting to meet a P.R.A.Y. award recipient in person. Congratulations, Shannon on your accomplishments!


Click here to submit a photo.

Click here to meet the P.R.A.Y. Board Directors.

Click here for information on the Four Star Award.

PRAY Program Growing

Serving Youth AND Church Relationship

St Marks United Methodist Church in Midlothian, Virginia has begun to reap rewards from the PRAY program.  The Pack chartered to the church, Pack 1879, has offered God & Me and God & Family programs for several years now.   Each year the pack had between 8 and 10 Scouts participating in the two programs. 

Twenty three youth completed the programs this year!  Ten Scouts from the pack participated (some taking God & Family after completing God & Me last year).  There were two scouts from another pack who are members of the church.  Eleven youth from the church, not in scouting programs completed the programs as well.  This year the classes were offered at 9:45AM when the church holds its contemporary service.  Some parents stayed in the classrooms and some attended the service.  Many of the families whose sons participated in the program do not regularly attend any church.

This year, with additional completion time required the presentations were planned to be made at the contemporary service which happens to be the one service with the highest attendance of younger families and often higher attendance than the blended service.  This allowed more members of the church to be exposed to the PRAY programs, to the pack, as well as offering church to those who do not generally attend.  A great success by any measure!

God & Family class. 

Also pictured are Reverend Fran Cooper and Religious Emblems Coordinator Laura Russell.

 * Some students not present.



God & Me class. 

Also pictured are Cubmaster (and church member) Ron Flournoy, Laura Russell, Religious Emblems Coordinator (and member of church) and Pastor Fran Cooper.

 * Some students not present.

Submitted by Bill Chaffin
Virginia United Methodist Conference Ministry of Scouting Coordinator

Rev. Janette Saavedra

Memorial United Methodist Church
Clovis, CA

Scouting Ministry Specialist Michael Feist shared this picture of Rev. Janette Saavedra wearing her scouting stole on Scout Sunday when she presented 17 P.R.A.Y. awards in all four levels. Her stole is made from the material from Boy Scout pants and has Scout Sunday patches and pins, UMC Scouting Ministry patches, and PRAY Counselor pins, with a Sequoia Council CSP across the shoulders. Perfect attire for celebrating Scout Sunday!