Matthew & Kristin Rogahn

Lutheran Lamb Adult Recognition
Our Savior Lutheran Church
Newton, IA

Scout Sunday is big at Our Savior Lutheran Church. And it became even bigger with the presentation of the Lamb Award to two outstanding candidates, Matthew and Kristin Rogahn. The recognition ceremony was a family affair. Matthew’s father, Rev. Gregory C. Rogahn, delivered the sermon and son Zachary presented the Children’s sermon. Special guests included the Mayor and a State of Iowa Representative with a presentation from the Governor.

Part of what makes Matthew and Kristin so special is the husband and wife team engaged in Christian ministry through Scouting AND serving as high school Sunday school teachers and youth group sponsors.  In his letter of nomination, Pastor John Moore said, “I am recommending [Matthew and Kristin] together because they operate most effectively, efficiently, and as a healthy team, and as a family on mission as they serve the Lord and His people through our local congregation and scouting.”

Congratulations Matthew and Kristin! And thank you for your example of commitment and dedication. You inspire us all.

Note: The Lamb Award requires a minimum of ten years of service. The Lutheran Servant of Youth Award requires only five years of service which Matthew and Kristin received in 2009.

Sam and Alex R.

God and Me
Buffalo, NY
Ebenezer UCC

On Feb. 5, 2017 Sam and Alex R. received their "God and Me" awards at Ebenezer United Church of Christ from their pastor Rev. Gary Gossel. It was a wonderful event and was a part of the Church's Scout Sunday worship service.  The boys were very excited to receive their awards.

Thanks to Charles Recktenwalt - their God and Me Counselor and proud grandfather! - for sharing these pictures!


Troop 43

Noahh J., Aidan N., Finn T., Matthew V.
Back row: Pastor John Stiles, Scoutmaster Collins, Counselor Meinke
Front Row: Finn, Noahh, Aidan

God and Family
Trinity Lutheran Church (Chartered organization)
First Lutheran Church (home congregation)
Brainerd, MN

Scout Sunday was a joint endeavor by Trinity Lutheran Church and First Lutheran Church in Brainerd, MN. Scouts Noahh, Aidan, and Finn (Matthew was absent due to illness) were busy and on the go!

Their day started with a pancake breakfast which Troop 43 prepared in appreciation for their chartering organization, Trinity Lutheran Church. While the rest of the Troop stayed behind to do the cleanup, Noahh, Aidan, and Finn then traveled to their home congregation, First Lutheran Church, where they received their God and Family awards from their home pastor Rev. John Stiles, God and Family Counselor Loren Meinke, and Scoutmaster DJ Collins.

Blessings upon Noahh, Aidan, Finn, Matthew, and all of Troop 43!

Blessings upon Trinity Lutheran and First Lutheran churches for their scouting ministries!

Christopher P.

God and Life, 4 Star, and Eagle

BSA Troop #506
Blaine, MN

I had a very busy year in Troop #506. I was able to complete and earn my God and Life award, my 4 Star award, and my Eagle award. My faith journey was a long one, but through each level of this program, I was able to strengthen my own personal faith in God.  I think the best part was the service hours because it provided me an opportunity to share my faith while I was helping others.

AHG Troop PA 3031

American Heritage Girls
Troop PA 3031
God and Church

Our Pioneer girls of American Heritage Girls troop PA 3031 completed the God and Church Bible study this fall. We started the study over the summer and loved the way our group could meet to learn about Jesus and to socialize too. We had amazing conversations and discussions around the kitchen table in my home. We learned so much about how Jesus relates to His church and how we are part of the Church now. We learned about serving other, worshipping God, and inviting others to church. This Bible brought our girls closer together and closer to the Lord!

Spencer S.

Eagle Scout
Troop 323
Land O Lakes, FL
Four Star Award

Spence: “I don't really remember much from God & Me because it was so long ago but I remember that I enjoyed it.  One of my favorite parts of God & Family was making the pizza. We got pizza boxes from a local pizzeria and were able to keep all of our course materials in the box too.  When we did God & Church, I enjoyed learning more about the history of the church and it was during this course that I accepted Jesus as my Savior.  For God & Life, my pastor was actually our counselor and I really learned a lot from him.  I'm glad I went through all four levels and was very honored to receive the Four Star Award.”

And for my comments as a proud mom:

“We are so very proud of Spence and his accomplishments.  He earned his Eagle in July 2015 and then decided he wanted to finish out the PRAY program.  Once we got schedules straightened out, he worked with Pastor Russ to complete God & Life.  I served as Spencer's mentor for God & Me and then as a co-counselor for God & Family and God & Church, so I've seen first-hand how he has grown in his faith through the PRAY programs.”

United Parish of Upton

Me, Family, Church, Life, Four Star
Upton, MA

Thirteen girls and boys completed the requirements of the P.R.A.Y. Awards program at United Parish in Upton. All four program levels were represented. United Parish also recognized its first Four Star recipient, Aidan L.

All P.R.A.Y. participants took part in a community service project to benefit “Project Just Because,” a nonprofit offering relief and support to those in need. Using prepared kits, the students tied the fleece layers together creating a day blanket, rolled them into a bed roll, and attached a message of encouragement and hope of their choosing.  15 blankets were delivered to the office of Project Just Because. 

Congratulations to these youth and their families for committing time to strengthen their faith as children of God and demonstrate their Duty to God as Scouts. 

Blessings to Orianna, Erin, Autumn, Timothy, Dillon, William, Cordilla, Megan, Jack, Jack, Ivie, Madison, and Aidan.

Thank you to counselors Leanne Luetkemeyer, James Ray III, Dawn LeClaire, and Rochelle Ray.

Darlene Phillips and Christina Gorsline

Building Faith in Youth Award
Oak Grove United Methodist Church
Oak Grove, MO

Darlene Phillips and Christina Gorsline were presented with the Building Faith in Youth Award by Pack 266 Cubmaster Tim Butters. The Building Faith in Youth Award recognizes adults for outstanding service teaching the P.R.A.Y. Program. 

Jerry M.

Oklahoma City, OK
God and Family
Faith, Hope, Life Nazarene Community Church


“I loved volunteering the most. [My favorite family project] was
when we sat down and shared our gifts.”

Will R.

Corvallis, OR
God and Family
Lebanon Mennonite Church

“My favorite parts were reading the Bible stories. The most interesting family project was talking to my mom about her spiritual growth.”

From Dad: “I enjoyed the curriculum … the comparison to making a pizza was relevant and fun. I think this is a solid program and was beneficial for my son and myself.”