Youth Minister Shares Excitement Over God and Church Program


Brian Washington, Youth Minister at The Crossing Baptist Church in Mesquite, Texas, taught God and Church to a group of Scouts from Troop 138. When asked about the program, here’s what he had to say:

We started the program in the fall of 2019 prior to COVID-19 … but had to finish virtually. The class was fun, and exciting. As a youth minister, and having older boys, I used an "explanation, and an application" approach to the class….They didn't realize that Christ had to pray to the father before He went out to share the Gospel. After hearing this, and ultimately having to go out and "APPLY WHAT THEY LEARNED" they learned how important it was to consult the Father, before we make not only that move, but any move in our lives! I can't wait for the spring when the next class session starts. I'm excited. Blessings, B. Washington

Click here to read the complete article.

Picture: Brian Washington with a majority of the boys that attended the God and Church class pictured volunteering at the annual “Wreaths Across America” December 2019.


God and Family Award Presentation


God and Family
Lamb of God Lutheran Church
Haines City, Florida 


Led by Pastor Joe, the God and Family class hosted at Lamb of God Lutheran Church proudly received their awards in December 2020. It was an exciting class and families have been attending as a result! 

Triplets Earn PRAY Awards

Triplets Rachel, Isaac, and Leah completed Jesus and Me and God and Me while stuck at home during the pandemic. Pictured above they are showing some work about Jesus as Storyteller for the Jesus and Me program. Below are the “Songs of Praise” written by each one for the God and Me program mentioning birds, bobcats, tulips, cheetahs, tigers, and bunnies! May your joy and faith in God continue to grow!


God and Me Final Review

Iliana Passes with Flying Colors

Iliana fulfilled her final requirement for her God and Me award with a zoom meeting with Pastor Crystal, Children’s Church Director at Discovery Church International in Jacksonville, NC, and special guest Debra Hazlewood from P.R.A.Y.  

Iliana knew her stuff! From reciting the Lord’s Prayer, describing her scribble pet (“I made a centipede because I love all bugs - except cockroaches - but especially roly poly bugs!”), explaining the prayer cube, showing the games she made, and telling her favorite part (“Learning that God created me!”), Iliana was excited to show what she learned. As Pastor Crystal commented, “What I love about all this, is that I can tell it is all in your heart … it is a part of you.” What a beautiful outcome of the God and Me program!

Iliana completed the God and Me program at home with the help of her grandma Charisse who is grateful for the experience. “I get so busy being an adult, that I forget that I am a child of God, too. This program was a good reminder for me.” Charisse is looking forward to when Iliana can earn the next P.R.A.Y. award, but until then she is planning on filling the gap with Bible Basics RP3 patches.

Sitting in on Iliana’s final review with Pastor Crystal was also a good reminder for Debra Hazlewood of the excitement and sense of accomplishment that kids have when completing the God and Me award and the life lessons that they learn. Iliana said it best when telling what she learned: “We took a path to be closer to God, and we learned how God is close to us and loves us.”

Thanks, Iliana, for sharing that important lesson. Blessings to you!

Creighton W. Earns God and Life

On Dec. 13, Boy Scout Troop 50 of Auburn, Alabama, honored Creighton W. for completing the God and Life program. Creighton (center) is pictured with troop chaplain Michael Tullier (left) and troop committee chair Rob Stanford (right), who also has served as Creighton's Disciple Group (D-Group) leader since seventh grade. All three attend Auburn United Methodist Church.

Connor Earns the Fire RP3 Patch

Gayla Bergren of St. Thomas Parish in Croom, MD shares this picture of Connor proudly displaying the Fire RP3 patch on his vestments. Connor has since earned the God and Me award and will add that patch to his sash. The Sunday school program utilizes the P.R.A.Y. Series to enhance the faith journeys of their children.

Thank you, St. Thomas Parish, for your ministry to children and youth!

Church Steps Up During Pandemic

Offers Online God and Family Class for Sunday School Youth

Pam Cole of Church Women United of Greater New Bedford, MA reached out to the First Baptist Church during the pandemic when VBS was canceled because of Covid-19.

Church Women United offered to help sponsor a God and Family online program. Although usually associated with a scouting program, Pam knew that God and Family could be earned by all youth, not just scouts. A joint project between Church Women United and First Baptist Church of New Bedford was quickly launched, pizza kits were assembled and delivered by van, and 7 young people shared their work and were recognized on November 15th.

Difficult times call for creative effort and collaboration. Thanks for answering a need and for going above and beyond!

Cub Scout Completes Entire RP3 Series (so far!)


Colton R. completed both God and Me and God and Family and was then challenged by his District Religious Emblem Coordinator to look at the Bible Basics RP3 Patch Series. Game on! Colton started doing the RP3 Series at home. He kept his work in a notebook and was “awarded” each patch as he completed it. Asked about his favorite, Colton responded “Trees!” Here he is holding his 12th and final patch, Bread of Life, and showing off his patch blanket. We are glad to see there is plenty of room: as the RP3 Series continues to grow, we know that Colton will look forward to each new patch and proudly display it on his blanket. Thanks for showing how Scouting and Faith go hand in hand!

Blessings to you, Colton, and may you have a lifelong love of Scripture!

Troop 5, Clarkesville First United Methodist Church, Announces Four Star Recipient

Troop 5 is pleased to announce that Cameron M. has earned the P.R.A.Y. Four Star Award.

Cameron’s Four Star journey was launched at the Duty to God Weekend at Camp Rainey Mountain in Northeast Georgia Council, BSA. Cameron continued at Camp Rainey Mountain to complete the first three awards. The last award, God and Life, was taught by Jim Gallagher at Troop 5’s hut.  

Here are Cameron’s responses to questions about his experience:

Do you have any comments to share about the Four Star journey? Very rewarding. I got to meet new people and progress on my religious path.

What was hard? The first two programs of Duty to God were hard to attend because the camps were freezing.

Did earning an award at camp make it extra special? Yes, because I got to meet new people and make new friends.

What did you learn? I learned many Scriptures and important figures that are in the Bible.

Best memories? Making new friends and discovering more about my beliefs.

Congratulations, Cameron, on your Four Star Achievement!
Thank you, Camp Rainey Mountain, for hosting Duty to God weekends over the years!

Thank you, Clarkesville First United Methodist Church, for your scouting ministry!

Religious Emblems and the Great Commission

First United Methodist Church Fox Hill

Pastor Brian and Shan Sixbey
First United United Methodist Church Fox Hill

Hampton, VA
2 Girl Scout Troops, 1 Cub Scout Pack, 1 Scouts BSA Troop, 1 Venture Crew


From Shan Sixbey:

We are not called to be passive! We are called to be in relationship with those whom we wish to reach and disciple. So how do we reach our neighbor? How do we connect with those who are different than us? A potential path to discipleship and developing relationships is in our hands! The P.R.A.Y. program is “a Bible-based religious emblems program for Protestant and Independent Christian churches designed to bring children, youth, and families to Christ.” Oh, that. But wait – it truly can be what it says, a program designed to bring children, youth, and families to Christ. What is missing? Us – as disciples, apostles, teachers, and followers – doing what we were called to do: “And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.Matthew 6:15

Read the complete article from the Sixbey’s here. They stand ready “to assist you in planning, implementing and celebrating a viable disciple-making extension in your community.” Please take them up on it!