Award Arrives in Time for Eagle Court of Honor


Jansen B.
God and Life / Eagle Scout
Maysville, KY
Trinity United Methodist Church
Blue Grass Council, BSA


It was a rush, but it worked … Jansen’s God and Life medallion arrived in time for him to wear it at his Eagle Court of Honor. Thanks for proudly wearing your religious emblem as an Eagle Scout!

Sandra DeTora Receives Celtic Cross Award

Girl Scout Makayla J. Gives Inspiring Speech

Makayla: "Ms. Sandi is an awesome role model and I have learned so much from her, but it is not all about Girl Scouts. She often shares her faith just by her actions, her love of Jesus with every good deed for fellow church members or anyone that needs it. She is the epitome of a Christian Mother and friend."

Sandi: “I am a Girl Scout volunteer and I am a Christian. Those two parts of my life are intrinsically tied together." 

Click here to read the complete article.


Building Faith in Youth Award

Zion Lutheran Church


Pastor Steve Benson
Building Faith in Youth Award
Zion Lutheran Church (MO Synod)
Brainerd, MN

Haircut, Cinnamon rolls, and the Building Faith in Youth Award. Find out what they have in common! Click here.



Fifth Round of PRAY Classes

Epiphany Lutheran Church

Epiphany Lutheran Church in Suwanee, GA reports another round of successful P.R.A.Y. classes! They offer classes every two or three years to catch the Scouts on the year they are eligible to earn the award. Their classes include Girl Scouts, Scouts BSA, and Cub Scouts. According to Kim Towne, Committee Chair of Troop 5109 Scouts BSA and Leader of Girl Scout Troop 2440, “We're happy that this award covers both organizations so that they are able to transfer their knowledge and experience. The young people are from all different church backgrounds, many different troops, and two districts across scouting. We are so happy with our results!” 

Pictured is the big group photo; also Lena T. - Girl Scout Troop 2440 - receiving her PRAY Four Star award!



Brian H.

Cary, IL

Harvest Bible Chapel

Brian’s Eagle Court of Honor on July 6, 2019 included the presentation of the P.R.A.Y. Four Star Award. Double Congratulations to Brian!



Virginia Conference Promotes P.R.A.Y. Awards

United Methodist Church

The Roanoke District of the United Methodist Virginia Conference is working to promote faith journey in the church through the P.R.A.Y. Program. Barbara Duerk and Bill Chaffin, Virginia Scouting Ministry Coordinator, are pictured at their exhibit at the Virginia United Methodist Conference. Their Scouting Ministry is targeting the Boy Scouts of America, Girl Scouts of the U.S.A., and Big Brothers Big Sisters. In addition to exhibits, they also provide district trainings and work directly with congregations and youth agency offices. The goal in the Roanoke District is to increase usage of the P.R.A.Y recognitions by 100% this year 2019 -2020. P.R.A.Y. is working with the Roanoke District to provide reports to help identify congregations and clergy who may be prospects for growing the program. P.R.A.Y. is thankful for the many volunteers who faithfully promote religious growth opportunities to children and families!

Note: P.R.A.Y. is eager to support our partner organizations. Please contact P.R.A.Y. to discuss how recipient reports may facilitate your efforts to promote the P.R.A.Y. awards.

Justin Creates Artwork

"God Calls All Kinds of People"




Justin M.  - God and Life

Emma Gray Memorial United Methodist Church

Woodruff, SC 





Justin M. presented his artwork “God Calls All Kinds of People” to Emma Gray Memorial United Methodist Church and Pastor Andy Watson on Scout Sunday 2019. Justin’s artwork was one of his God and Life service projects. He made the design using Adobe illustrator at RD Anderson vocational school where he took commercial graphics. Justin hopes to convey “a message of unity in Christ within scouting, the church and community, especially among youth.” According to Pastor Andy, “This started with God and Country at summer camp. When we came back, we started God and Life for 8 weeks on Tuesday nights. The use of and study of the Bible is a positive experience for the young men.” Justin is grateful for that experience: [The God and Life program] has taught me a lot of lessons and allowed me to make memories I will never forget so I am thankful that I got to go through this program, and I will wear that medal with honor.”

[Justin is the second from the left in the photo.]



Michael W.  Four Star Award

Trinity Presbyterian Church, Dallas, PA


In April 2011, Michael W. earned his God and Me award. For one of the requirements he had to pretend that he was a grownup looking in a mirror. This is what he said 8 years ago, "I want to rock."



Here's Michael today. He loves to rock, not on a guitar but on the DRUMS! Michael posed with this picture when he was confirmed as a P.R.A.Y. Four Star recipient after completing the God and Life award in June 2019. We feel fortunate to have caught up with Michael (even though it was only by text) given his busy summer at Philmont Scout Ranch, serving as Den Chief at Cub Scout Summer Camp, attending the Presbyterian Triennium Youth Gathering, and planning for his Eagle Project in August. Michael texted that the God and Life program was his favorite, and that being a Four Star meant “being closer to God, Family, Church, and myself.”

Thanks, Michael, for sharing your God and Me picture with P.R.A.Y.  YOU ROCK!

Pastor Endorses P.R.A.Y. Program

I am the Pastor of the Bridge Church of Alabama located in Opelika, Alabama. I wanted to let you know I think that P.R.A.Y. is a great program. It was a privilege and an honor to administer and complete the program with members of the Bear Den. This is a wonderful program and I think it is great how it partners with parents to help their children foster a personal relationship with the Lord and Savior.



Terrance J. Nolan, Pastor

The Bridge Church of Alabama





The Bear Den from Cub Scout Pack 858 received their God and Me certificates from Pastor Terrance Nolan in a graduation ceremony on April 13, 2019 at the Bridge Church of Alabama in Opelika, Alabama. Congratulations!

Sunday School Uses "Jesus and Me"

Deaconess Sally Hiller from Ascension Lutheran Church in Landover, Maryland reports that she has had an exciting time working with 6 other adults and 12 children on the Jesus and Me program. "Our students have loved the scrolls and working their way through them. I really appreciate the lessons, the activity, and the purposeful way to include family in the fuller lifestyle experience that is needed. I work in our regional church office and have actually recommended this to several of our congregations with smaller Sunday schools. I’m looking forward to using God and Me in our Sunday School this Fall." 

Note: Sally Hiller serves as the Executive Director for Congregational Outreach and District Operations in the Southeastern District of the LCMS.