Programs of Religious Activities with Youth (P.R.A.Y.) is a not-for-profit organization whose national board of directors includes representatives from Protestant and Independent Christian Churches and the national youth agencies.

Our Vision

Young people are brought closer to Christ through dynamic programs that enable adults to better succeed in their ministries with youth. Our programs and resources are offered nationwide through churches and youth agencies, with the aim of helping them to work together for the benefit of youth.

Our Mission

P.R.A.Y.'s mission statement is to "foster the Christian growth of children, youth, and families through churches and youth serving agencies." Everything that the P.R.A.Y. national board does is centered on the two parts of this mission statement: collaborations between churches and agencies, and the P.R.A.Y. program.

The P.R.A.Y. Program

We are best known for the P.R.A.Y. Program, our mentorship based religious emblems program aimed at children in grades K-12. The P.R.A.Y. program helps young people to develop a deeper relationship with God and to understand how God is active in their lives and in the world around them.

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