Jesus and Me

for grades K - 1


"Jesus as Storyteller, Teacher, Friend, Healer"


Read Bible Stories

Make your own scroll

Memorize Bible verses

God and Me

for grades 2 - 3


"Becoming Best Friends with Jesus"


Read Bible Stories

Make fun games

Memorize the Lord's Prayer

God and Family

for grades 4 - 6


“Growing in God’s Love”


Meet Bible Families

Do Pizza-related Crafts

Fun Family Projects

God and Church

for grades 6 - 8


"My Journey with Christ"


Meet Jesus, Head of the Church

Learn about your Congregation

Complete Service Projects

God and Life

for grades 9 - 12


"Called by Christ to Serve"


Get to know the Apostle Paul

See how faith can impact your life

Write a Statement of Commitment

Quick Start Steps

  1. Based on your grade, order the appropriate P.R.A.Y. program booklets.
  2. Contact your pastor (see sample letter). Get consent to do the program at home or choose a counselor together. The adult will teach with the required Counselor Manual and utilize PRAY's Online Resource Library
  3. Complete the requirements in the Student Workbook with the help of your counselor.
  4. Complete the Final Interview with your pastor.
  5. Complete a "Youth Registration" and order recognition items for your uniform through the P.R.A.Y. webstore.
  6. Plan a special ceremony in church to receive your award.