For Youth in Grades 9 - 12
Grades K - 1
Grades 1 - 3
Grades 4 - 6
Grades 6 - 8
Grades 9 - 12
The God and Life curriculum is designed to help students understand their call to a life of discipleship.
Curriculum Goals:
To provide opportunities for young people to:
The God and Life curriculum focuses on the life of the Apostle Paul as recorded in Acts 9:1-31. This is a brief account that describes how Paul encountered Christ and was changed forever. Students will explore what it means to live one's life for Christ.
Outline Preview
(Full requirements are found in the P.R.A.Y. Booklets)
Before his conversion, Paul persecuted Christians. God does not call perfect people. God calls ordinary people and transforms them.
After his conversion, Paul was helped by Ananias and Barnabas. The Christian life needs the help and fellowship of Christian believers.
After his encounter with Christ on the Damascus road, Paul was baptized and filled with the Holy Spirit. He responded and accepted God’s call for his life. The Holy Spirit is at work in our lives – we just need to respond!
Paul led a difficult life: many people wanted him dead. God does not promise a life free from difficulty and suffering. On the contrary, the times of difficulty and suffering may strengthen our dependence on God and prepare us for greater service. God does not guarantee an easy life, but God does promise to be with us.
Because of Paul, the church was strengthened and it grew in numbers. God can use each of us for God’s purposes!
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Have you completed all four P.R.A.Y. Programs? If so you may be eligible for the Four Star Award.