John, Thomas, Christian
Four Star Award
Salem United Methodist Church

Salem, SC


John, Thomas, and Christian have been very dedicated to the P.R.A.Y. program. Each of them completed the required classes held at Salem United Methodist Church and earned the prestigious Four Star award. They started at age 8 with the God and Me program. They loved making and bringing their GAME box to each class. At age 10 they completed God and Family and created their pizza boxes and, of course, made homemade pizza at the last class. At age 12 they completed God and Church. Each of them did research on their selected religion and we held many open discussions about each one. Finally they completed God and Life. They learned how to relate Paul’s life with their own and how they can overcome anything as long as they put God first in their life. [Click here to read the article “Last God and Life Lesson Completed at Home Due to Covid-19, But Then Group Reconvenes to Re-do Last Lesson Together as a Group.”]

“I had the honor of watching these young men not only grow up throughout the years, but more importantly grow spiritually with their walk with God. I encouraged them to hold on to all their workbooks and refer back to them. I personally learn something new every time I do. I am above and beyond proud of these young men!” ~Tricia Burgess, P.R.A.Y. Counselor




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