Salem United Methodist Church
From Tricia Burgess: "I am so proud of these two Cub Scouts from Pack 125 from Salem, South Carolina. Ray G. and Harley W. worked hard on their God and Family workbooks. In class, Ray was always eager to look up the Bible verses and read the stories out loud. And I was so proud when we were playing the "Jeopardy Game" at the end of the sessions, Harley picked the question that asked him to recite the 10 Commandments. He was able to say them all, and in order, using his 10 Commandment Finger Counting that he learned in Lesson 4. On our last night of class, they made their own individual pizzas and Ray even tried anchovies for the first time. Thank you to Salem United Methodist Church for providing location for our classes."
Here are the resources mentioned above from the P.R.A.Y. Resource Library:
Jeopardy Game Questions
Jeopardy Game Cards
Ten Commandment Finger Counting
Posted by Deb Hazlewood
March 15, 2019