Four Rivers District
Four Rivers District of Lincoln Heritage Council hosted its first ever Religious Emblems Day in Paducah, KY. Baptists, Catholics, Episcopalians, Methodists, and Presbyterians from 7 different packs and 2 troops came together to work on the religious emblems appropriate to their age and faith. Scouts who had already earned their religious emblem were welcome and enrolled in the Bible Basics RP3 from P.R.A.Y. In all there were 22 youth plus an additional 11 mentors. Maria Korte, District Religious Emblems Coordinator, served as the event chair and thought the event went very well, "It was awesome to see everybody from different faiths and units getting together to celebrate God's Glory." She is already looking at ways to increase attendance for future events.

Posted by Deb Hazlewood
November 28, 2017