Parents Speak Words of Affirmation to their Sons

Troop 200 chartered to Nixa Christian Church participated in the God and Life program and had the privilege of receiving their awards while in Alaska for a High Adventure experience. Jason Coorts, Assistant Scoutmaster, served as their God and Life counselor and planned a formal ceremony for the presentation of the awards in Alaska. Each Scout received his award individually and then had time of affirmation from his father (and in many cases a letter from their mother, too). The few dads that couldn’t make the trip sent letters to be read. Although there weren’t any pictures from the award ceremony, Coorts explained, “We hope it was pretty powerful.” Coorts did share the picture above. What a great picture – full of high adventure and affirmation of faith! May these young men continue to pursue their Duty to God through all of life’s journeys.
Posted by Deb Hazlewood
August 01, 2018