Favorite God and Life Project
















“Use Me, Lord” is a song written by 14-year-old Matteo M. as part of his God and Life requirements. This was his favorite project: he wrote the lyrics and chose the basic chord progressions. Although Matteo is “non-verbal autistic,” he has truly found his voice! Matteo spells out his thoughts on a letter board, and it is in this way that he expresses his deep opinions, original thoughts, and seeks to “be a voice for the silent ones.” It took 85 pages for Matteo to answer all the questions and discussion items for God and Life. According to his mother, “This program has been a wonderful experience for our entire family … It’s been wonderful to actually ‘make the time’ in our lives to sit around and discuss deep things like the questions that were presented in this project. We are a closer family because of it ... closer to each other and to God, each in our own way.” Congratulations, Matteo on earning your God and Life award. May each of us join you in saying, “USE ME, LORD.”

Visit www.matteomusso.com to learn more about Matteo’s incredible journey and his mission to speak out about autism.



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