Birds of the Air RP3 Patch
Multi-level Girl Scout Troop

Chippewa Nature Center
Midland, Michigan

Submitted by Haley Cottrell, Girl Scout Leader:

Here is a picture of a Brownie Girl Scout as a Bird … wearing all the parts of a bird so we better understood the biological makeup of our feathered friends!

Our multi-level troop of Christ-centered Girl Scouts did our Birds of the Air / Animal Habitats event at Chippewa Nature Center in Midland, Michigan! It was a 2-hour event outside: 32 degrees & overcast skies in the beautiful, wooded landscape of God’s Country! The girls were eager to view many local birds from their binoculars (and through the ancient art of taxidermy). We learned not only about different birds & their habitats, but their biology, lifestyles, songs, and interesting personality differences! We also completed the RP3 Requirements because they married beautifully into this program. We skipped the RP3 popcorn throwing activity because of COVID-19 but we did so MANY fun bird activities which included collecting natural materials to make our own bird nests. We also made two different bird feeders: one was a large pinecone covered in bird seed & crisco (to avoid problems with peanut allergies) and the other was a milk jug with Windows cut out of it & hand decorated by the girls. The girls enjoyed the RP3 Bird-themed Bible stories and the thoughtful conversations inspired by them. Birds are facilitating creatures and we had a wonderful time learning more about them. Covid-19 may have made some things in this world very challenging but getting outside in the crisp winter air is still a treat!


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