Brian Washington, Youth Minister at The Crossing Baptist Church in Mesquite, Texas, taught God and Church to a group of Scouts from Troop 138. When asked about the program, here’s what he had to say:

We started the program in the fall of 2019 prior to COVID-19 … but had to finish virtually. The class was fun, and exciting. As a youth minister, and having older boys, I used an "explanation, and an application" approach to the class….They didn't realize that Christ had to pray to the father before He went out to share the Gospel. After hearing this, and ultimately having to go out and "APPLY WHAT THEY LEARNED" they learned how important it was to consult the Father, before we make not only that move, but any move in our lives! I can't wait for the spring when the next class session starts. I'm excited. Blessings, B. Washington

Click here to read the complete article.

Picture: Brian Washington with a majority of the boys that attended the God and Church class pictured volunteering at the annual “Wreaths Across America” December 2019.



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